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潘晓峰, 祝鸿, 石鹏程, 刘燕, 沈菊男
采用凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)和傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR) 技术,分别从功能团和分子水平角度,探索了沥青混合料AC 13,SMA 13,SUP 13在全气候多因素综合加速老化条件下沥青的内在老化规律.阐述了沥青老化时的微观变化,同时建立了非线性模型.结果表明:建立的非线性模型可以很好地模拟沥青的老化速率和最终老化程度;随老化时间的增加,沥青中大粒径分子、中粒径分子和羰基含量变大,小粒径分子和丁二烯基含量变小;沥青混合料SMA 13的抗老化性能较SUP 13和AC 13更佳.
关键词:  道路工程  非线性模型  凝胶浸透色谱  傅里叶红外光谱  老化速率
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201905016
Nonlinear Models of Micro properties of Recovered Asphalt Binders in Weathered Asphalt Mixtures
PAN Xiaofeng, ZHU Hong, SHI Pengcheng, LIU Yan, SHEN Junan
Road Engineering Research Center, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215000, China
In order to better understand the aging of asphalt binders in the asphalt mixture that occurs during their service, asphalt mixture specimens with three different gradations of AC 13, SMA 13, SUP 13 were aged in an accelerated weathering machine(AWM) for various durations. Gel permeation chromatography(GPC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) tests were performed separately on the recovered asphalts. Nonlinear models were established by fitting the measured properties. The results show that the aging rate and aging degree of asphalt binders can be well indicated by the parameters of the established nonlinear aging models. When the aging time is increased, the percentage of large molecule size and middle molecule size from GPC and the functional group of carbonyl from FTIR increase, the percentage of small molecule size and the functional group of butadiene from FTIR reduces; SMA 13 is overall performed the best in the aging resistance among the three tested mixtures.
Key words:  road engineering  nonlinear model  gel permeation chromatography(GPC)  Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR)  aging rate