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刘俊霞1, 吴晓博1, 张茂亮2, 王帅旗1, 海然1
关键词:  生土材料  改性  水分传输  毛细吸收系数
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201806024
Influence of Modification on Characteristics of Moisture Transportation of Earth Materials
LIU Junxia1, WU Xiaobo1, ZHANG Maoliang2, WANG Shuaiqi1, HAI Ran1
1.College of Architectural Engineering, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450007, China;2.Henan Building Materials Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450002, China
The influence of modification on the characteristics of moisture transportation of earth materials was discussed. Development of capillary absorption rate, capillary absorption coefficient and surface infiltration depth with different modification methods, such as modified by cement, by jute and by composite of above two, was researched through capillary absorption test. The results show that there exists linear relationship between capillary absorption quantity and square root of time. Comparing with original earth materials, capillary absorption coefficient and initial absorption rate of cement modified earth material is reduced by 198% and 253% respectively, and while that of jute modified earth material is increased by 434% and 262%. Modification of jute on surface penetration depth of original earth materials is obvious.The pore distribution of earth materials and surface state of soil particles is changed due to the modification effect of cement, and therefore, moisture transportation characteristics of earth materials is accordingly changed.
Key words:  earth material  modification  moisture transmission  capillary absorption coefficient