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向浩, 何兆益, 陈柳晓, 陈龙, 杨德胜
关键词:  道路工程  再生沥青  试验研究  疲劳性能  自愈合
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201806023
Fatigue Performance Analysis of Regenerated Asphalt Considering Self healing Compensation
XIANG Hao, HE Zhaoyi, CHEN Liuxiao, CHEN Long, YANG Desheng
School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
In order to study the influence of self healing compensation on fatigue performance of regenerated asphalt, the fatigue performance of 9 kinds of regenerated asphalts was analyzed through dynamic shear rheology test.The fatigue behavior was evaluated by loading cycles when the dynamic shear modulus reduced to 50% of the initial value, and the self healing behavior was evaluated by the changing rate of fatigue life.The results show that before considering self healing compensation, fatigue life of regenerated asphalts is inversely proportional to the original asphalt aging degree and strain control value, while it is proportional to regenerator dosage. After considering self healing compensation, the fatigue life of regenerated asphalts is obviously increased.Intermittent time plays a promoting role in increasing fatigue life.The influence of strain control value on fatigue life attenuation is basically unchanged.The effect of regenerator dosage on fatigue life growth is more significant.Fatigue curves of regenerated asphalts before and after considering the self healing compensation are significantly different.It is suggested that regenerated asphalt fatigue performance should take the impact of self healing compensation into consideration.
Key words:  road engineering  regenerated asphalt  experimental study  fatigue performance  self healing