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王雪芳1, 肖祥栋2, 方金杰1, 吴文达1, 张明3
关键词:  再生粗骨料混凝土  取代率  养护龄期  拉伸应力应变全曲线  拉伸本构关系模型
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201806019
基金项目:海峡联合基金重点项目(U1605242);福州市科技计划项目(2016 G 45);水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室开放基金项目(sklhse 2017 C 02)
Tensile Constitutive Relationship of Recycled Coarse Aggregate Concrete at Different Curing Ages
WANG Xuefang1, XIAO Xiangdong2, FANG Jinjie1, WU Wenda1, ZHANG Ming3
1.College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China;2.General Contract Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200315, China;3.State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Beijing 100084, China
Axial tensile stress strain curve of recycled coarse aggregate concrete(RCAC) was tested on MTS fatigue test machine. Influence of replacement ratio of recycled coarse aggregate(RCA) and curing age on axial tensile stress strain curves of RCAC were analyzed, and tensile constitutive model of RCAC was proposed. The results show that the slope of RCAC tensile stress strain curve on the ascending stage is lower than that of ordinary concrete, and after peak stress the curve droppes steeper with the increase of the replacement ratio of RCA and curing age. Elastic modulus of RCAC is in linear growth with the curing age increasing, and when the load exceeds 50% the deformation modulus of RCAC drop further than ordinary concrete. At the early age, tensile strain at peak stress of RCAC increases with the increase of RCA replacement ratio, the tensile strength growth rate of RCAC is faster than that of ordinary concrete. The tensile compression strength ratio of RCAC reduces with the curing age.
Key words:  recycled coarse aggregate concrete  replacement rate  curing age  tensile stress strain curve  tensile constitutive model