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引用本文:高磊,张峰.HB FRP加固混凝土结构组合界面黏结特性[J].建筑材料学报,2018,21(6):969-976
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HB FRP加固混凝土结构组合界面黏结特性
高磊, 张峰
为揭示HB FRP(hybrid bonded fiber reinforced polymer)加固混凝土结构多作用组合工作机制,设计了5组黏结作用组合试验.基于实测荷载滑移关系、应变分布、黏结滑移关系开展了界面黏结特性研究,提出组合界面黏结滑移统一模型和黏结荷载表达式.结果表明:HB FRP加固混凝土组合作用可拆分为FRP黏结混凝土、侧压力和FRP黏结钢板;组合界面的黏结应力发展不同步,FRP板下表面与混凝土的剥离早于FRP板上表面与钢板的剥离,叠合工作时序不同;由侧压力引起的界面摩擦应力随界面应力的发展而增加并趋于稳定;理论模型结果与试验结果具有较好的一致性,可用于计算组合界面的黏结荷载.
关键词:  加固  组合作用机制  侧压力  黏钢  黏结滑移统一模型
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201806018
Composite Interfacial Bonding Characteristics of HB FRP to Concrete Structures
Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Research Center, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
In order to reveal the multi action composite working mechanism of HB FRP(hybrid bonded fiber reinforced polymer)to concrete structures, five sets of tests considering different bond combinations were designed. The characteristics of the composite interface were studied based on measured load slip relationship, strain distribution and bond slip relationship. A unified bond slip model for composite interface and bond load expression were proposed. The results show that the HB FRP reinforced concrete composite interface can be divided into FRP bonded concrete, pressure and FRP bonded steel plate. The development of bond stress in the composite interface is not synchronized, the debonding of FRP to concrete is prior to FRP to steel plate, the superimposed working order is different. The interfacial friction stress caused by lateral pressure increases with the development of interfacial stress and tends to be stable. The theoretical model results are in good agreement with the experimental results and can be used to calculate the bonding load of the composite interface.
Key words:  reinforce  combination mechanism  pressure  bonded steel  bond slip uniform model