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刘松辉, 张海波, 管学茂, 张富东, 魏红姗
在1350℃煅烧温度下,制备了纯硅酸二钙(β C2S)矿物.结合X射线衍射(XRD)、同步热分析(TG DTA)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)和扫描电镜能谱仪(SEM EDS)等测试技术,研究了钠离子对硅酸二钙矿物碳化产物的影响规律.通过测试碳化前后样品悬浮液中可溶性钠离子含量的变化规律,探讨了利用硅酸二钙碳化来固化可溶性钠离子的可行性.结果表明:钠离子影响硅酸二钙矿物碳化产物的结构,但不影响其碳化程度;在钠离子存在的情况下,硅酸二钙矿物碳化生成的碳酸钙以稳定的球霰石晶体为主,二氧化硅凝胶的聚合度不变;碳化反应后可溶性钠离子含量大大降低;钠离子可以被固化在球霰石晶体里,这也是球霰石晶体稳定存在的主要原因.
关键词:  钠离子  硅酸二钙  碳化产物  固化
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201806016
Effect of Sodium Ions on Carbonation Products of Dicalcium Silicate
LIU Songhui, ZHANG Haibo, GUAN Xuemao, ZHANG Fudong, WEI Hongshan
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003, China
Dicalcium silicate(β C2S) was prepared at 1350℃, and effect of sodium ions on its carbonation products was examined by X ray diffraction(XRD), simultaneous thermal analysis(TG DTA), Fourier transform infrared spectrometer(FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive spectrometer(SEM EDS). Moreover, to explore the feasibility of using the carbonation products of β C2S to solidify the soluble sodium ions, the soluble sodium ions concentrations in the sample suspension before and after carbonation were also monitored. The results indicate that the sodium ions have significant effect on the structure of β C2S carbonation products, but they do not affect the carbonation degree of β C2S. In the presence of sodium ions, the calcium carbonate formed during carbonation is mainly crystalline vaterite and polymerization degree of silica gels is unaltered. In turn, the soluble sodium ions concentrations after carbonation are decreased substantially. Sodium ions can be solidified in the vaterite crystals, which also result in the stable existence of the vaterite crystals.
Key words:  sodium ion  dicalcium silicate  carbonation product  solidification