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张广泰1, 李悦1, 陈柳灼1, 叶奋1, 王仕峰2
关键词:  废机油  低温挤出  挤出温度  胶粉掺量  流变性能
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201802024
Rheological Properties of the Asphalt Modified by the ActivatedRubber in the Presence of Waste Engine Oil
ZHANG Guangtai1, LI Yue1, CHEN Liuzhuo1, YE Fen1, WANG Shifeng2
1.Civil Construction College, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830047, China;2.Research Institute of Polymer Materials, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China
In order to solve the problems of passenger car tires application and high energy consumption and pollution when used twin screw extruder to break the cross link network of rubber in high temperature, the activated rubber was prepared with the waste engine oil by twin screw extrusion. The effect of regeneration process, extruding temperature and rubber dosage on desulfurization degree, rheological properties of crumb rubber were investigated. The results show that waste oil significantly improve the sol content of crumb rubber, and the extruding temperature and rubber dosage have great effect on the performance of crumb rubber modified asphalt. When the extruding temperature is 180℃, crumb rubber modified asphalt has the best high and low rheological properties and good workability as well. The highest rubber dosage is 30% for the balanced properties.
Key words:  waste engine oil  low temperature extruding  extruding temperature  rubber dosage  rheological property