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王翠翠1, 王朔2, 张双保1, 王戈3, 陈政豪1, 程海涛3
采用纳米碳酸钙(CaCO3)浸渍改性工艺对竹浆纤维(BPF)进行改性,并采用真空辅助树脂浸注(VARI)技术制备纳米浸渍改性竹浆纤维(IMBPF)/环氧树脂复合材料.利用热失重分析(TGA)方法研究了原材料和复合材料在氮气气氛下的热降解行为,采用Flynn Wall Ozawa(FWO)和Vyazovkin and Weight(VW)方法量化了复合材料的表观活化能.结果表明:IMBPF/环氧树脂复合材料出现300~400,400~450,600~700℃ 3个失重区,分别对应BPF、环氧树脂和纳米CaCO3的热降解;采用FWO法和VW法测定的IMBPF/环氧树脂复合材料的表观活化能均高于对照样(未改性的BRF),且FWO法估算数值高于VW法;纳米CaCO3对复合材料的热降解特性具有调控作用;FWO法和VW法处理的结果总体相差不大,但前者优于后者.
关键词:  真空辅助树脂浸注  纳米碳酸钙  浸渍改性  竹浆纤维/环氧树脂复合材料  热解动力学
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201802023
Pyrolysis Kinetics of Bamboo Pulp Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Resin CompositesTreated by Nano Particles
WANG Cuicui1, WANG Shuo2, ZHANG Shuangbao1, WANG Ge3, CHEN Zhenghao1, CHENG Haitao3
1.MOE Key Laboratory of Wooden Material Science and Application, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;2.School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;3.International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China
Bamboo pulp fiber (BPF) was treated by nano CaCO3 impregnation modification(IM), and IMBPF/epoxy resin composites was prepared by means of vacumm assisted resin infusion(VARI)technology. Thermal degradation behavior of raw materials and composites was studied by thermo gravimetric method(TGA) under nitrogen atmosphere. Also, the apparent activation energy of the composite was quantified by Flynn Wall Ozawa(FWO) and Vyazovkin and Weight(VW) model. It turned out that IMBPF/epoxy resin composites have three weight loss stages at the temperature ranges:300400, 400450 and 600700℃ , due to thermal decomposition of BPF, epoxy resin and nano CaCO3, respectively. The average activation energy of IMBPF/epoxy resin composites determined by two methods was higher than that of the control sample, and the value estimated by FWO method was higher than that by VW method. Nano CaCO3 has a regulatory effect on thermal degradation characteristics of composite. Meanwhile, there is only little difference between two methods which could provide theoretical support for the efficient utilization of plant fiber reinforced polymer composites.
Key words:  vacuum assisted resin infusion(VARI)  nano calcium carbonate  impregnation modification  bamboo pulp fiber/epoxy resin composite  pyrolysis kinetics