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郭寅川, 李震南, 申爱琴, 覃潇, 魏自玉
关键词:  玄武岩纤维  沥青胶浆  重冰冻区  模糊理论  正交试验  微观机理
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201801008
基金项目:陕西省自然科学基金青年项目(607096032010);内蒙古自治区交通运输厅交通科技项目(NJ 2015 38)
Optimization Design and Mechanism Analysis of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Asphalt Mastics
GUO Yinchuan, LI Zhennan, SHEN Aiqin, QIN Xiao, WEI Ziyu
School of Highway, Changan University, Xian 710064, China
Orthogonal experiment was carried out to explore the influence of fiber length, fiber content and asphalt grade on adsorption capacity of basalt fiber, low temperature performance and freeze thaw shear performance of basalt fiber reinforced asphalt mastics, and optimal combination of basalt fiber reinforced asphalt mastics was recommend based on fuzzy analysis. And the strengthening mechanism of basalt fiber was revealed based on scanning electron microscope(SEM). The results show that basalt fiber length and fiber content are the most significant factors which influence the adsorption capacity of basalt fiber, ultimate tension and tensile crack energy in low temperature. The grade of asphalt is the main factor which influences freeze thaw shear strength. The optimal combination of basalt fiber reinforced asphalt mastics in the heavy frozen area is 90# asphalt, 9mm basalt fiber and 7% fiber content. The infiltration between basalt fiber and asphalt is preferable, and net lapping structure formed by basalt fiber enhances the crack resistance and delays the expansion of micro cracks of basalt fiber reinforced asphalt mastics.
Key words:  basalt fiber  asphalt mastics  heavy frozen area  fuzzy theory  orthogonal experimental  micro mechanism