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周艳, 黄卫东, 傅星恺
关键词:  道路工程  低温性能  复合改性  多聚磷酸
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201706028
Low Temperature Performance of Polyphosphoric Acid Composite Modified Asphalt
ZHOU Yan, HUANG Weidong, FU Xingkai
Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
The low temperature performance of different original asphalts, polyphosphoric acid(PPA) modified asphalt and composite modified asphalts based on PPA(PPA+SBS, TB+PPA+SBS) were investigated by ductility test(5℃), penetration test(25℃) and bending beam rheometer(BBR). The results show that the low temperature performance of the Esso 70# asphalt is improved while the low temperature performance of Iran 70# asphalt declined with the increase of the amount of PPA which indicated that the modification effect of PPA modified asphalt is related to the chemical composition of original asphalt. Based on the PG index, the low temperature performance of PPA+SBS increases first and then decreases and from the 5℃ ductility value, the increase of PPA on the low temperature performance of PPA+SBS is unfavorable. The softening point value indicates that PPA could improve the high temperature performance of TB+PPA+SBS. Overall, the influence of PPA on the low temperature performance of TB+PPA+SBS and PPA+SBS is not obvious and the performance of asphalt binder is mainly determined by TB rubber powder and SBS, TB rubber powder can significantly enhance the low temperature performance of asphalt binders.
Key words:  road engineering  low temperature performance  composite modification  polyphosphoric acid