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孙大权, 孙国强, 刘富良
关键词:  导电超薄抗滑磨耗层  长期性能  导电性能  抗滑性能  融冰雪
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201706027
Long Term Performance of Conductive Ultra thin Anti skidding Wearing Course
SUN Daquan, SUN Guoqiang, LIU Fuliang
Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Long term performance of skid resistance and conductivity of conductive ultra thin anti skidding wearing course(CUAWC) under freezing thawing cycles, soaking and repeated loading were evaluated by model mobile load simulator(MMLS3) and freezing thawing tests. Results show that the initial resistivity of the CUAWC is 418×10-3Ω·m, while the resistivity reduces to 415×10-3Ω·m after three freezing thawing cycles. The resistivity of the CUAWC increases by 50% after the coupling action of freezing thawing cycles and 1million cumulative load, and rises by 25% after 500 thousand cumulative soaking load. Moreover, the initial BPN value of the CUAWC is within 6567BPN, while BPN value decreases by 100% after the coupling action of freezing thawing cycles and 1million cumulative load, and reduces by 60% after 500 thousand cumulative soaking load. The test results indicate that CUAWC has good long term performance of skid resistance and conductivity. In addition, the heating power of CUAWC with 2m electrode gap can reach 4277W/m2 at 36V, which meets the need for melting ice and snow on road surface.
Key words:  conductive ultra thin anti skidding wearing course(CUAWC)  long term performance  conductivity  skid resistance  melting snow and ice