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王海龙, 张克, 额日德木
以内蒙古地区天然浮石作为粗骨料,利用司盘40对废旧橡胶颗粒进行改性,研究改性橡胶对轻骨料混凝土力学特征的影响.采用核磁共振检测技术,从研究改性橡胶影响轻骨料混凝土宏观性能的本质出发,以改性橡胶轻骨料混凝土孔隙度、横向弛豫时间T2谱等参数为依据,同时结合力学性能测试、BT 1800动态图像颗粒试验、亲水性试验和环境扫描电镜试验等技术手段对核磁共振结果进行对比和论证.结果表明:改性橡胶轻骨料混凝土力学性能提高,改性剂改善了橡胶颗粒的亲水性和圆形度;核磁共振T2谱3个峰值向小孔隙方向移动,改性橡胶轻骨料孔隙度降低了11%.
关键词:  改性橡胶  轻骨料混凝土  力学特征  微细观结构  核磁共振
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201705021
Modification Effect Analysis of Modified Rubber Crumb on Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
WANG Hailong, ZHANG Ke, ER Ridemu
College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China
Natural pumice from inner Mongolia region was used as coarse aggregate. And rubber crumb modified by span 40 in order to study the influence of modified rubber crumb on mechanical characteristics to lightweight aggregate concrete. With using the nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) technique, the influence modified rubber crumb the macroscopic performance of lightweight aggregate concrete the porosity of lightweight aggregate concrete and transverse relaxation time T2. Then technique means such as mechanical property test, BT 1800dynamic image particle test, hydrophilic test, environmental scanning electron microscope test and so on to make comparison and argument between technique means and NMR results. The results show that mechanical property of lightweight aggregate concrete is enhanced and modifier improves rubber crumbs hydrophilic property and circularity. Besides, 3 peaks of nuclear magnetic resonance T2 spectrum move toward the small pore and porosity of lightweight aggregate concrete decreases by 11%.
Key words:  modified rubber crumb  lightweight aggregate concrete  mechanical characteristic  microstructure  nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)