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王晓1, 张磊2, 罗忠涛3, 杨久俊2
关键词:  赤泥  水泥煅烧  道路硅酸盐水泥  放射性比活度
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201705020
Effect of Red Mud on Properties and Mineral Composition of Portland Cement for Road
WANG Xiao1, ZHANG Lei2, LUO Zhongtao3, YANG Jiujun2
1.School of Civil Engineering and Communication, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China;3.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Red mud, limestone and sandstone were used to prepare Portland cement for road. The effect of red mud addition on the structure and properties of Portland cement for road was studied. The results show that the major mineral phases of red mud Portland cement for road clinker are C3S, C2S and C4AF. Red mud based Portland cement for road with excellent properties can be prepared by grinding the clinker with 5% dehydrate gypsum. Compared with ordinary Portland cement for road, red mud Portland cement for road has a lower early compressive strength. Although red mud was dealkalized in advance(total alkali content in dealkalized red mud(by mass)<1%), the alkali of the Portland cement for road clinker can still make adverse effect on minerals formation of Portland cement for road if the addition of dealkalized red mud(by mass) exceeds, 26%. The alkali in the sintering system exist mainly in the intermediate phase of clinker of red mud Portland cement for road in the form of K2SO4 or Na2SO4. The radioactivity specific activity of 226Ra increases along with hydration length of time increasing, 40K is just opposite, 232Th is basically unchanged. The external exposure index of red mud based Portland cement for road is 087, the external exposure indexes of it in different curing ages are all less than the limit.
Key words:  red mud  cement sintering  Portland cement for road  radioactivity specific activity