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李超, 邬鑫, 王子豪, 王岚
通过沥青针入度、软化点、延度、四组分试验和动态剪切流变(DSR)试验,研究多聚磷酸(PPA)改性沥青结合料的高温流变性能,并与基质沥青和SBS改性沥青结合料进行对比.结果表明:PPA的掺入使沥青结合料高温流变性能指标明显改善,随PPA掺量的增加,沥青结合料软化点升高,针入度降低,复数剪切模量增大,相位角减小,车辙因子增大,说明PPA的掺入使沥青结合料高温性能得到提高;DSR试验证明,可以用1.0%(质量分数,下同)PPA代替4.0% SBS来改善沥青结合料的高温性能,并且PPA掺量几乎每增加0.5%,高温PG等级就提高1个等级.PPA的掺入使结合料中沥青质含量明显增加,胶质含量明显减少,采用PPA作为改性剂可以提高沥青结合料的高温抵抗变形能力.
关键词:  多聚磷酸  流变性能  改性沥青  PG等级
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.03.025
High Temperature Rheological Properties of Polyphosphoric Acid Modified Asphalt Binder
LI Chao, WU Xin, WANG Zihao, WANG Lan
College of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China
Through penetration, softening point, ductility, four components test and dynamic shear rheological(DSR) test, the high temperature rheological properties of polyphosphoric acid(PPA) modified asphalt binders were studied and compared with the matrix asphalt and SBS modified asphalt binder. The results show that the addition of PPA can improve asphalt high temperature rheological properties significantly. With the increase of PPA content, softening point improves, penetration decreases, complex shear modulus increases, phase angle decreases, and rutting factor increases for PPA modified asphalt binders, indicating that asphalt high temperature properties improve with the addition of PPA. DSR tests indicate that the high temperature properties of modified asphalt binder with 1.0%(by mass) PPA equals to that with 4.0% SBS . Almost every 0.5% increase of PPA content makes the high temperature PG level raise a level. The addition of PPA has obvious influence on the asphalt binder component, the content of asphalt is notably increased, the gum content is significantly reduced, and the high temperature resistance to permanent deformation of asphalt binder can be improved by using PPA.
Key words:  polyphosphoric acid(PPA)  rheological property  modified asphalt  PG grade