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汪鸿山, 冯德成, 解晓光
关键词:  透水性沥青路面  孔隙率  渗透性能  计算流体动力学(CFD)
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.03.024
Influence of Porosity on Seepage Characteristic of Pervious Bituminous Pavement
WANG Hongshan, FENG Decheng, XIE Xiaoguang
School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
In order to investigate the seepage characteristic of pervious bituminous pavement, a model was proposed to simulate the seepage characteristic of pervious bituminous pavement. The influence of the porosity on the seepage characteristic of pervious bituminous pavement was investigated based on the porous media seepage theory. The simulation results show that the permeation rate is notably influenced by the rain type for the pervious bituminous pavement, and is larger under Ⅰ rain type(rainfall intensity is 18.8mm/h) than that under the other rain types. The influence of the porosity of permeable asphalt concrete layer is slight on the permeation rate of pervious bituminous pavement. The permeation rate of pervious bituminous pavement is significantly impacted by the porosity of macropore asphalt stabilized macadam base layer, and increases with the increase of that. The influences of the porosity of graded gravel layer and sand cushion layer are slight on the permeation rate of pervious bituminous pavement when the porosity of that is more than 35%(by volume). These results will provide some constructive instructions for the design of the structure and asphalt mixed material compounding ratio on pervious bituminous pavement.
Key words:  pervious bituminous pavement  porosity  seepage  computational fluid dynamics(CFD)