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张瑞珠, 严大考, 刘晓东, 任洋洋, 贾新杰, 郭晓刚
关键词:  电化学交流阻抗谱  容抗  特征频率  重防腐涂料
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201701024
基金项目:水利部科技推广计划项目(TG1420);河南省科技型创新团队项目(B20142186);郑州市重点实验室项目(2014 3 10)
Electrochemical Performance of Epoxy Glass Flake Coating for Marine Wind Power
ZHANG Ruizhu, YAN Dakao, LIU Xiaodong, REN Yangyang, JIA Xinjie, GUO Xiaogang
School of Mechanical Engineering, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China
Through the analysis of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS), the resistance capacitance and the characteristic frequency of the epoxy glass flake coating, the protective mechanism were studied. Results show that in the early stage of immersion, the epoxy glass flake coating has good shielding effect, which can prevent the infiltration of water molecules and the corrosive medium; in the immersion medium, epoxy glass flake coating fails due to water saturation, resulting in corrosion spread into the steel substrate surface, electrochemical reaction and corrosion, but because the corrosion product fills pores and layered glass flake corrosion medium makes in depth growth path, which effectively lowers the corrosion rate of coating; in the late period of immersion, the epoxy glass flake coating is quickly ineffective, and the increase of the corrosion product causes the expansion of the coating. The corrosive medium directly has an electrochemical reaction with the metal substrate, the coating is completely ineffective, and the protection ability becomes very poor.
Key words:  electrochemical impedance spectra(EIS)  capacitive reactance  characteristic frequency  heavy duty anticorrosive coating