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王亚超, 赵江平
采用硅灰、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)、水玻璃及KOH等原料,通过溶胶凝胶法制备有机无机杂化阻燃材料,并将其应用于外墙外保温材料(EPS)中;利用傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)、扫描电镜(SEM)和差式量热扫描(DSC)等测试方法对所制备的阻燃材料进行表征,研究其反应机理.结果表明:在碱性条件下,部分水解的PAM可与硅灰形成的—Si—O—链发生反应,形成结构密实的硅质层,并在燃烧过程中发展成片层结构的物质,产生隔热屏蔽效应,从而可提高材料的阻燃性能;适量PAM可使EPS的极限氧指数(LOI)达到35.5%(体积分数),阻燃级别达到UL 94 V1级.
关键词:  聚丙烯酰胺  阻燃  硅灰  机理
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201701023
Preparation and Characterization of Silica Fume Based Flame Retardant Materials with Polyacrylamide
WANG Yachao, ZHAO Jiangping
College of Materials & Mineral Resources, Xian University of Architecture & Technology, Xian 710055, China
Organic inorganic hybrid flame retardant materials were prepared via sol gel method using silica fume, polyacrylamide(PAM), sodium silicate and KOH as raw materials which were used as exterior insulation materials. The material was characterized by FTIR, SEM and DSC and other modern analysis methods, its reaction mechanism was proposed. Results show that the PAM with partial hydrolysis reacts with ≡Si—O— chain derived from silica fume under alkaline condition, and a denser siliceous layer structure is formed, it can transform into material with lamellar structure during the combustion process, which produces heat shielding effect and improves the flame retardant performance, the appropriate amount of PAM can improve the flame retardant performance, cause its limit oxygen index (LOI) to reach 35.5% (by volume) with a flame retardant level of UL 94 V1 level.
Key words:  polyacrylamide(PAM)  flame retardant  silica fume  mechanism