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王倩, 吴瑾
采用非接触式阻抗测量法(NCIM),研究了水泥浆体的早期水化过程及其在不同阶段的水化行为,并通过Kramers Kronig变换验证了阻抗数据的可靠性.结果表明:在溶解阶段及动态平衡阶段水泥浆体的阻抗近似为纯电阻;在加速阶段水泥浆体中的阻抗虚部值随着频率的增加而增加;水泥浆体早期抗压强度与其阻抗模数有很好的线性关系.
关键词:  水化  水泥浆体  阻抗测量  Kramers Kronig变换
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2016.06.017
Characterization of Early Age Hydration Process of Cement Pastes Based on Impedance Measurement
WANG Qian, WU Jin
Department of Civil Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
The hydration process of cement pastes was investigated by using non contact impedance measurement(NCIM). The reliability of impedance data from NCIM was checked by classical Kramers Kronig transformation. Hydration behaviors of pure cement paste in different stages(dissolution, competition and acceleration stages) were interpreted by NCIM. It is found that the impedance response of cement pastes is approximately resistive in the dissolution and competition stage. Experimental and calculated imaginary parts of impedance of cement pastes in the acceleration stage increases as frequency increases. Furthermore, the early age compressive strength of cement pastes and impedance modulus have a good linear relationship.
Key words:  hydration  cement paste  impedance measurement  Kramers Kronig transform