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陈兵1, 刘宁2
关键词:  磷酸镁水泥  油菜茎秆  导热系数  抗压强度
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2016.06.016
Experimental Investigation on Green Concrete Using Magnesium Phosphate Cement(MPC) and Rape Stalk
CHEN Bing1, LIU Ning2
1.Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai 200240, China;2.Shanghai Shengyi Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201100, China
An investigation on a new material composed of magnesium phosphate cement(MPC), fly ash, and rape stalk was presented. The main goal was to evaluate the viability of using this new material as an insulation material for buildings. Several composites with different concentrations and rape stalk sizes were prepared. The density, compressive strength, and thermal conductivity of the material were measured. Experimental results show that the proposed MPC rape stalk concrete possesses required properties for production of lightweight concrete for structural and non structural applications. The physical properties of the rape stalk indicate that it is promising for producing plant concrete. Results also indicate that MPC might be a better cementitious material for producing plant aggregate concrete compared with Portland cement or lime.
Key words:  magnesium phosphate cement(MPC)  rape stalk  thermal conductivity  compressive strength