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崔家春, 吴明儿, 杨联萍
利用圆形气泡试验研究ETFE薄膜双向受力性能,得到了完整的真实应力应变曲线和基本力学性能参数.结果表明: 当真实应力为17~18MPa时,ETFE薄膜的真实应力应变曲线出现第1个转折点,与单轴拉伸试验结果相同;当真实应力约为50MPa时,该曲线趋于平缓;当真实应力约为60MPa时,由于局部破损导致ETFE薄膜球冠失效;在双向拉伸下,ETFE薄膜破裂时的真实应变为30%~40%,远小于单轴拉伸试验结果.基于试验结果提出了1种四折线本构模型,并通过数值模拟验证其适用性.
关键词:  ETFE薄膜  双向力学性能  屈服应力  应力应变模型
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201605014
Experimental Study on Biaxial Mechanical Properties of ETFE Film
CUI Jiachun, WU Minger, YANG Lianping
Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Circular bubble experiments were carried out to study the biaxial tensile mechanical property of ETFE film. A full stress strain curve was investigated and basic mechanical parameters of ETFE film were obtained. The results show that true stress strain curve reaches first turning point when true stress is about 1718MPa which is same as that obtained by uniaxial tensile test, the curve tends to leveling off when true stress is about 50MPa, and then reaches the maximum value when true stress is about 60MPa because of breaking of bubbles. The true strain obtained by bubble test is 30%40%, which is much less than that of uniaxial tensile test. Based on the test results, a four polygonal line model is put forward and its applicability is verified by numerical simulation analysis.
Key words:  ETFE film  biaxial tensile property  yield stress  stress strain model