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张雷顺, 张敏, 葛巍, 王娟
为精确模拟预应力钢筒混凝土管(PCCP)在蒸汽养护阶段的温度场,考虑温度与化学反应速率的关系,根据Arrhenius方程引入温度影响因子,提出新的混凝土水化度公式,并根据不同养护温度下的水泥水化热试验数据,拟合了不同温度下混凝土实际龄期时所对应的水化度公式.结果表明: 所拟合的水化度公式拟合效果较好;将用水化度表示的混凝土导热系数和水化热参数应用于工程实际,与传统的分析结果相比,PCCP温度场的温度值有所提高,与工程实际更为贴近.
关键词:  水工结构  预应力钢筒混凝土管  蒸汽养护  水化热  水化度  温度场
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201605012
基金项目:河南省南水北调中线工程项目(HNJ 2013/PT/KY 001)
PCCP Temperature Field Analysis at Steam Curing Stage Considering Temperature Effect
ZHANG Leishun, ZHANG Min, GE Wei, WANG Juan
School of Water Conservancy & Environment, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
For the accurate simulation of prestressed concrete cyclinder pipe(PCCP) temperature field at steam curing stage, considering the relationship between the temperature and the chemical reaction rate, temperature impact factor based on the Arrhenius equation was proposed and introduced into the new concrete hydration degree formula;by the cement hydration heat test data, the new formula was fitted under different curing temperature. The results show that the fitting effect is good; thermal conductivity and hydration heat parameters expresses with hydration degree are applied in engineering practice and compared with the result of traditional analysis, the temperature field of PCCP is improved, which is more consistent with the engineering practice.
Key words:  hydraulic structure  prestressed concrete cylinder pipe(PCCP)  steam curing  hydration heat  hydration degree  temperature field