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王磊1, 钟立恒2, 夏海龙2, 张鑫2
关键词:  声发射  钢筋混凝土  锈蚀率  平均频率  能量
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201604013
Acoustic Emission(AE) Characteristics of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams in Loading Process
WANG Lei1, ZHONG Liheng2, XIA Hailong2, ZHANG Xin2
1.Guangxi Key Laboratory of New Energy and Building Energy Saving, Guilin 541004, China;2.Colllege of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, China
Acoustic emission(AE) analysis on loading process of corroded reinforced concrete beams with different corrosion ratios was carried out at different stress levels. The characteristics of AE signal and the relationship between the AE event location and crack location of the specimens were studied. Results show that the AE event location has good correspondence with the crack location for all the specimens. Therefore it is feasible to determine defect location of corroded reinforced concrete beams by AE technique. Meanwhile, the stress stage of the specimens can be judged based on the growth for number of AE events. With the increase of stress level, the average frequency center of the specimens will be shifted from low frequency to high frequency.With the increase of the corrosion ratio, the number of AE events in the damage process of the specimens will decrease and the total energy of the specimens will decrease.
Key words:  acoustic emission  reinforced concrete  corrosion ratio  average frequency  energy