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童年1, 童寿兴2
关键词:  超声波  检测  混凝土  裂缝深度  首波相位反转  横波
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201604012
Explanation of the Mechanism of Ultrasonic First Pulse Phase Reverse
TONG Nian1, TONG Shouxing2
1.School of Foreign Language, Jianqiao University, Shanghai 201306, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
In the experiments of the crack depth testing of concrete by ultrasonic method, the rule of ultrasonic first pulse phase reverse had been discovered when the distances between the two transducers which were placed on the two sides of the crack were changed. Based on the special conditions in which the crack was filled by water during the experiments of the crack depth testing of concrete by ultrasonic method, when the distance between the two transducers is less than twice of crack depth, the phenomenon of ultrasonic first pulse phase reverse could not be found. Thus, new explanation of the mechanism of ultrasonic first pulse phase reverse is proposed. The ultrasonic first pulse phase reverse is due to the fact that the refracting transversal wave arrives to the receiver transducer faster than that of the refracting longitudinal wave.
Key words:  ultrasonic  testing  concrete  crack depth  first pulse phase reverse  transversal wave