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引用本文:黄卫东,吕泉,柴冲冲.Terminal Blend胶粉改性沥青的复合改性研究[J].建筑材料学报,2016,19(1):111-118
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Terminal Blend胶粉改性沥青的复合改性研究
黄卫东1, 吕泉1, 柴冲冲2
采用室内试验分析了岩沥青和SBS掺量对Terminal Blend胶粉改性沥青(TB沥青)性能的影响;采用荧光显微镜及表面能测试仪研究了岩沥青和SBS对于溶胶沥青的增强作用及增强机理.结果表明:岩沥青与SBS在提高TB沥青高温性能的同时,可在一定程度上保留其低温性能中的突出特点;TB岩沥青(内掺20%(质量分数,下同)岩沥青+20%橡胶粉)的PG分级可达PG 7628;车辙试验表明掺量为20%的SBS与TB岩沥青(内掺10%岩沥青+10%橡胶粉)复合后的SBS/TB岩沥青改性沥青高温性能高于SBS掺量为45%的SBS改性沥青(PG 7622),从而有效降低了SBS掺量;表面能试验与TSR试验结果均表明TB沥青的黏附性能随着岩沥青与SBS掺量的增加呈现出先增后减趋势,岩沥青与SBS总体上提高了TB沥青的黏附性;荧光显微镜的观测结果进一步证实了SBS与TB沥青二次复合后的改性沥青内部均匀、稳定.
关键词:  Terminal Blend胶粉改性沥青  岩沥青  SBS  复合改性
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201601019
Research on Composite Modification by Terminal Blend Asphalt
HUANG Weidong1, L Quan1, CHAI Chongchong2
1.Key Laboratory of Road & Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.Shanghai Urban Construction Nichireki Special Asphalt Co.,Ltd., Shanghai 200231, China
Laboratory test was utilized to evaluate the effect of the proportion of rock asphalt and SBS on the performance of Terminal Blend asphalt (TB asphalt). Based on the fluorescence microscopy and the surface energy test, the enhancement effect and strengthening mechanism of rock asphalt and SBS on TB asphalt were investigated. The results show that both rock asphalt and SBS can improve the high temperature property of TB asphalt without affecting its outstanding low temperature performance notably. The grade of TB blended with 20%(by mass, the same as below)rock asphalt and 20% crumb rubber can reach PG 7628. Besides, the rutting test results indicate that the high temperature performance of TB/rock asphalt (10% rock asphalt+10% crumb rubber) compounded with 2%(by mass)SBS is better than that of 45% SBS modified asphalt (PG 7622), which means a remarkable reduction of the use level of SBS and thus the production cost. The results by the surface energy test and TSR show that the adhesion of TB asphalt shows increase at first and then decrease with the increase of rock asphalt and SBS content, and rock asphalt and SBS can generally improve the adhesion of TB asphalt. The observed results of fluorescence microscopy further confirm that SBS and TB/rock compound asphalt is homogeneous and stabilized internally.
Key words:  Terminal Blend asphalt(TB asphalt)  rock asphalt  SBS  composite modification