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王明1, 刘黎萍1, 吴后选2
关键词:  SBS改性沥青  样本平整度  显微相态  网状结构  宏观性能
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201601020
Correlation between Phase Microstructure and Macroscopic Performance of SBS Modified Bitumen
WANG Ming1, LIU Liping1, WU Houxuan2
1.Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.Construction Office of Highway Reconstruction Project from Nanchang to Zhangshu,Transportation Department of Jiangxi Province, Fengcheng 331131, China
The casting molding with a small dish container was used which for prepare the softening point test disk used as the microscopic observation sample. Then the effects of the samples flatness and magnification on obtaining a good and true microscopic phase image of the modifier were investigated. Based on this, the microscopic phases of both bitumen samples modified by SBS with different storage durations as designed in the experiments and samples produced by different manufacturers were observed. In addition, the macroscopic properties of modified bitumen were also tested. The results show that the samples without cover glass are not influenced by the external perturbation so that the microscopic images are more realistic; there is an interpenetrating and stable network structure formed like ‘lizard skin’ in the sample with 45%(by mass) SBS modifier after swelling for two months. This indicates an excellent macroeconomic performance. ‘Segregation’ phenomena were found in the asphalt samples produced by manufacturers, and a wide variety of ‘coalescence’ was found in microscopic phase. Therefore, the correlation between phase microstructure and macroeconomic performance of SBS modified bitumen is significant. Fluorescence microscopic technique has a great advantage in the detection of modified asphalt performance indicators for a simple preparation and convenient testing method.
Key words:  SBS modified bitumen  sample flatness  microscopic phase  network structure  macroscopic property