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周梅, 李高年, 张倩, 崔翰博
用自燃煤矸石取代天然砂石配制预拌混凝土,研究了自燃煤矸石骨料附加水及预湿时间对预拌自燃煤矸石骨料混凝土工作性和强度的影响,并在此基础上,研究了这种预拌混凝土的抗氯离子渗透性能和抗冻性能.结果表明:控制好自燃煤矸石骨料的附加水及预湿时间,在外加剂及掺合料的共同作用下,预拌自燃煤矸石骨料混凝土的坍落度、坍落度经时损失、强度等级、抗氯离子渗透性能及抗冻融性能均满足GB/T 14902—2003规定的质量标准.
关键词:  自燃煤矸石  预拌混凝土  坍落度  坍落度经时损失  强度  抗氯离子渗透  抗冻融
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201505020
Study on Application of Spontaneous Combustion Coal Gangue Aggregatein Ready Mixed Concrete
ZHOU Mei, LI Gaonian, ZHANG Qian, CUI Hanbo
College of Architecture and Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China
The ready mixed concrete using spontaneous combustion coal gangue to replace natural sand and gravel was prepared. Also, effects of additional water and pre wetting time on workability and strength of ready mixed concrete were investigated. On this basis, the study on the resistance to chloride ion permeability and frost of ready mixed concrete with ready mixed spontaneous combustion coal gangue aggregate added was carried out. The results show that the ready mixed concrete with spontaneous combustion coal gangue aggregate added can meet the requirement set forth in GB/T 14902—2003 on ready mixed concrete quality standards including the mixture slump, slump gradual loss, strength grade, resistance to chloride ion permeability and freeze thaw when the additional water and pre wetting time are suitable and the admixture and concrete additive are used.
Key words:  spontaneous combustion coal gangue  ready mixed concrete  slump  slump gradual loss  strength  resistance to chloride ion permeability  freeze thaw resistance