摘要: |
试验研究了4种(表观)密度的EPS(发泡聚苯乙烯)混凝土的静态压缩性能和劈裂性能,建立了较低密度EPS混凝土的应力应变关系模型,赋予了各参数相应的物理意义.结果表明:当EPS混凝土密度较高时,其呈现出明显的准脆性材料特性;当EPS混凝土密度较低时,其呈现出明显的泡沫吸能材料特性.所建立的较低密度EPS混凝土应力应变关系模型能较好地拟合试验结果.相同相对密度的EPS混凝土,其相对劈裂强度表现出明显的粒子尺寸效应.随EPS混凝土相对密度的降低,其相对劈裂强度粒子尺寸效应逐渐减小. |
关键词: EPS混凝土 准脆性材料 劈裂试验 粒子尺寸效应 |
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201505004 |
分类号: |
基金项目:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAJ08B00);安徽高校省级自然科学研究项目(KJ2013A068);安徽建筑大学博士基金资助项目(20130103);安徽建筑大学教研项目(2012YX08) |
Compressive and Splitting Behavior of EPS Concrete under Static Loading |
HU Jun, DING Kewei, WEI Lu
Civil Engineering School, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 230601, China
Abstract: |
Static compression and splitting tests were carried out for four kinds of EPS (expanded polystyrene) concrete, the stress strain relationship model of EPS concrete with lower (apparent) density was established, in which the physical meanings of parameters were given. The results show that EPS concrete with higher density has remarkable characteristics of quasi brittle materials, whereas EPS concrete with lower density has remarkable characteristics of bubble energy absorption materials. The stress strain relationship model of EPS concrete with lower density agrees well with the experimental results. The particle size effect on relative splitting strength is obvious for EPS concrete with same relative density. The particle size effect on relative splitting strength for EPS concrete reduces with decreasing relative density. |
Key words: EPS concrete quasi brittle material splitting test particle size effect |