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范向前1, 胡少伟1, 朱海堂2, 陆俊1
关键词:  三点弯曲梁  双K断裂韧度  断裂试验  断裂特性
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201505003
Double K Fracture Characteristics of Three Point Bending Beams of Non standard Reinforced Concrete
FAN Xiangqian1, HU Shaowei1, ZHU Haitang2, LU Jun1
1.Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210024, China;2.School of Water Conservancy & Environment, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Fracture test of three point bending beams of non standard reinforced concrete was carried out. The fracture characteristics of three point bending beams of non standard reinforced concrete were studied systematically. Results indicate that the initial load and the maximum load increase with the increase of specimen height. The precritical crack propagation length relative value is independent of specimen height. Similar to the double K fracture toughness, both the initiation fracture toughness and the unstable fracture toughness are not change with the increase of specimen height, which can be regarded as constants to three point bending beams of non standard reinforced concrete.
Key words:  three point bending beam  double K fracture toughness  fracture test  fracture characteristic