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宁喜亮, 丁一宁
关键词:  Weibull分布  纤维因子  损伤模型  应力应变关系  损伤变量
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201502006
Effect of Steel Fiber on the Damage Constitutive Model of Concrete under Uniaxial Compression
NING Xiliang, DING Yining
State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Based on the Weibull distribution and the hypothesis of strain equivalence, a damage model for steel fiber reinforced concrete(SFRC) was proposed. To describe the influence of fiber on the concrete compressive damage model better, a fiber factor considering the fiber volume fraction and fiber geometrical characteristic was introduced to the damage model. A series of uniaxial compression test was performed to modify the parameters of the damage model. Comparisons of the corrected theoretical curve and the experimental curves were performed. In order to verify the effectiveness of the damage model, comparisons of predicted compressive stress and measured compressive stress corresponding to the strain at 15εpk and 20εpk were performed respectively. The results show that the two curves are in very good agreement with each other. The damage model for SFRC is proved to be valid to describe the damage progress and residual compressive behaviour of SFRC under uniaxial compression at a range of 015εpk.
Key words:  Weibull distribution  fiber factor  damage model  stress strain relationship  damage variable