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傅强, 谢友均, 龙广成, 钱智铭, 马昆林
采用ISAT(initial surface absorption test)方法,通过对比试验研究了橡胶集料自密实混凝土(RSCC)和普通橡胶集料混凝土(ORC)的毛细吸水特性,分析了水胶比和橡胶掺量对RSCC毛细吸水性能的影响,并建立了新的RSCC毛细吸水模型.结果表明:在水胶比和橡胶掺量相近的情况下,RSCC的毛细吸水性能低于ORC;当水胶比相同时,橡胶掺量越大,RSCC的毛细吸水性能越弱;当橡胶掺量相同时,水胶比越低,RSCC的毛细吸水性能越弱;ORC的毛细吸水性能对水胶比变化的敏感程度较高.引用相关文献建立的橡胶集料混凝土的渗透模型对RSCC的毛细吸水试验结果进行了拟合,试验结果与拟合结果的相关系数均大于08600.初始阶段毛细吸水系数的大小能够反映RSCC毛细吸水能力的强弱.
关键词:  橡胶集料自密实混凝土  毛细吸水  水胶比  橡胶掺量  模型
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201501004
Study on Capillary Water Absorption Properties of Rubberized Self compacting Concrete
FU Qiang, XIE Youjun, LONG Guangcheng, QIAN Zhiming, MA Kunlin
School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
Initial surface absorption test(ISAT) method was employed to investigate the capillary water absorption behavior of rubberized self compacting concrete(RSCC) and ordinary rubberized concrete(ORC) through the contrast test and the effects of water binder ratio and the content of rubber particles on the capillary water absorption behavior of RSCC. A new model of capillary water absorption of RSCC was established. Results indicate that in the similar water binder ratio and rubber content, the capillary water absorption of RSCC is lower than that of ORC. When the water binder ratio is identical, the greater the rubber content is, the weaker the capillary water absorption of RSCC is. When the rubber content is identical, the lower the water binder ratio is, the weaker the capillary water absorption of RSCC is. The capillary water absorption property of ORC is more sensitive to the change of water binder ratio. The permeability model of ORC established in relevant literature is in accord with capillary water absorption test result, correlation coefficients between experimental results and fitting results are above 08600, the capillary water absorption coefficients in the initial stage can reflect the capillary water absorption capacity of RSCC.
Key words:  rubberized self compacting concrete  capillary water absorption  water binder ratio  rubber content  model