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杨其新1, 王庆国1, 蒋雅君1, 郑尚峰2, 徐鹏3
关键词:  复杂地下水环境  喷膜防水材料  X射线CT技术  失效性  损伤
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201405026
Experiment of CT Test of Damage of Spray Membrane Waterproof Material in Complicated Groundwater Environment
YANG Qixin1, WANG Qingguo1, JIANG Yajun1, ZHENG Shangfeng2, XU Peng3
1.Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering, Ministry of Education, Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031, China;2.China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610031, China;3.Hongrun Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200235, China
Damage of spray membrane waterproof material in the complicated groundwater environment was studied by using X ray computed tomography (CT) and the validity of deciding the failure of the material was explored. With NaCl, Na2SO4, NaOH solution and the mixture of any two solutions, the spray membrane waterproof material was scanned by CT after immersion corrosion test of the material and the failure of the material was evaluated by using the change of CT number and CT variance. The results show that when the waterproof material is immersed in three kinds of single solutions respectively, the damage of the material in NaOH solution is the most serious and that in NaCl solution is slightest. After any two of the three solutions are mixed, the effect on the damage of the material is changed, but the damage is not all increased compared with the single solution; in the mixture of any two solutions, if the type of solution is changed, the sensitivity to concentration of another solution on the damage of the material will vary. CT number and CT variance can be regarded as efficient indices for evaluating the damage of the spray membrane waterproof material.
Key words:  complicated groundwater environment  spray membrane waterproof material  X ray computed tomography(CT)  failure  damage