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王岚1, 常春清1, 邢永明2
关键词:  聚合物改性沥青  细观结构  重复蠕变  蠕变劲度模量  延迟弹性
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201404029
Research on Microstructure and Repeated Creep Properties of Polymer Modified Asphalt
WANG Lan1, CHANG Chunqing1, XING Yongming2
1.College of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China;2.College of Science, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China
Three polymer modified asphalts(SBS modified asphalt, crumb rubber modified asphalt and compound crumb rubber modified asphalt) widely used in Inner Mongolia and northwest region were analyzed. The scanning electron microscope was used to observe modifiers distribution in asphalt and microcosmic appearance of asphalt. It was shown that the interface between modifiers and asphalt had good compatibility. Then the repeated creep tests for three modified asphalts at different temperatures and stresses were carried out by dynamic shear rheology instrument. Cumulative strain and the viscous portion GV of creep stiffness were analyzed. The results indicate that they have the same change law when loading number, temperature and stress magnitude change. Crumb rubber modified asphalt has the lowest sensitivity to temperature, the smallest cumulative strain and the largest GV under the same condition, so it has the best high temperature stability property, followed by compound crumb rubber modified asphalt.
Key words:  polymer modified asphalt  microstructure  repeat creep  creep stiffness modulus  delayed elasticity