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刘鹏, 余志武, 宋力
关键词:  温度  作用谱  响应谱  滞后  波动
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201403029
Spectra of Temperature Action and Response ofConcrete in Natural Environment
LIU Peng, YU Zhiwu, SONG Li
School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
The change rule of the natural environment temperature and the temperature response characteristic of concrete were investigated by theoretical inference and field measurement. Based on the change rule of the natural environment temperature, the action spectrum of the natural environment temperature was modeled by segmentation fitting method. The response spectrum model of concrete was also obtained from the action spectrum of the natural environment temperature and the temperature response of concrete. The rationality and precision of the action spectrum and the response spectrum were verified by testing the temperature rule in the typical weather. The results show that the change rule of the natural environment temperature embodies cyclical fluctuation, the action spectrum model of the natural environment temperature can be used to describe the change rule of the natural environment temperature and its characteristic, and the curve drawn based on the action spectrum model is fitted to the testing results with high precision. At the same time, the response spectrum model of temperature in concrete can be also used to describe its change, and the theoretical curve is perfectly fitted with the testing. Similarity between the action spectrum and the response spectrum manifests as the same cycle, and the differences of them are embodied in the lagged time and the weakened amplitude.
Key words:  temperature  action spectrum  response spectrum  hysteresis  fluctuation