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沈健1, 冯仲仁2, 王雄江2
关键词:  裂纹扩展速率  疲劳试验  疲劳荷载  混凝土
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201403028
Crack Growth Rate of Concrete with Pre cracks inTension Compression Cyclic Fatigue Load
SHEN Jian1, FENG Zhongren2, WANG Xiongjiang2
1.School of Architecture, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Nanchang 330013, China;2.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
A tension compression cycle fatigue test was performed in order to study the crack growth rate of C50 concrete with pre cracks in cyclic loading.The stress ratio was -1 and the amplitude was 020130MPa. The concrete crack length is difficult to determine when the crack is propagating in tension compression fatigue load, so the hypothesis of hidden equivalent crack length is put forward to analyze the experimental data. Compared with the 3 stage diagram of common metal crack propagation, the initial propagation at the first stage and the second stage of stable propagation are quite notable but at the third stage of accelerated expansion is not notable. At the late stage of stable propagation, the slope of fatigue crack propagation curve does not increase as fast as that for metal materials but decelerates obviously and the concrete fails suddenly without indication. It is consistent with the brittle fracture of concrete. The important parameters of Pairs formula, C and m, are fit by the least squares. When the survival rate is 50%, 90% or 99%, C value range is 031045, 076099, 122198 and m value range with low survival rate sensitivity is 3048.
Key words:  crack growth rate  fatigue testing  fatigue load  concrete