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薛伟辰1, 付凯1, 秦珩2
基于ACI 4403R 04规定的试验方法,将60根FRP连接件分别放入40,60℃的模拟混凝土环境中进行加速老化试验,侵蚀时间分别为365,1800,3650,9200,18300d.采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对侵蚀前后FRP连接件的微观形貌进行了观测,发现侵蚀后FRP连接件劣化区域内的纤维不断被腐蚀,与周围树脂之间出现了明显的脱黏现象,且随着侵蚀时间的延长和温度的提高这种脱黏现象更加明显.在40,60℃模拟混凝土环境作用下,侵蚀18300d后,FRP连接件的抗拉强度分别下降了3291%,3885%.基于阿列纽斯方程提出了模拟混凝土环境下FRP连接件抗拉强度的退化模型.
关键词:  预制夹芯保温墙体  模拟混凝土环境  FRP连接件  加速老化试验  抗拉强度  退化模型
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201403009
基金项目:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2010BAK69B28);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET 10 0636)
Accelerated Aging Tests of Tensile Strength of FRP Connectorsin Precast Concrete Sandwich Wall Panels
XUE Weichen1, FU Kai1, QIN Heng2
1.Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;2.Beijing Vanke Co., Ltd., Beijing 100125, China
According to the ACI 4403R 04, the tests consisting of 60FRP connectors in the simulated concrete environment at 40℃ and 60℃ for 365, 1800, 3650, 9200, 18300d, were conducted to evaluate the tensile behavior of FRP connectors in terms of corrosion time. The morphology of the FRP connectorssurface was surveyed under scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and it indicated that the bonds between fibers and resin of FRP connectors in the corrosion region became loose, and with increasing corrosion time and temperature the interfacial debonding between fiber and resin of FRP connectors became more significant. The results reveal that after being exposed to simulated concrete environment for 18300d at 40℃ and 60℃, tensile strength of FRP connectors decreases by 3291% and 3885%, respectively. Finally, based on the Arrhenius equation, strength prediction model of FRP connectors under simulated concrete environment is proposed.
Key words:  precast concrete sandwich wall panel  simulated concrete environment  FRP connector  accelerated aging test  tensile strength  degradation mode