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郭寅川, 申爱琴, 王剑, 赵洪基
关键词:  道路工程  高寒地区  桥梁混凝土  配合比  抗氯离子渗透性能
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201403010
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(0009 2014G1211010)
Resistance to Chloride Ion Permeation to Concrete Bridges in Alpine Regions
GUO Yinchuan, SHEN Aiqin, WANG Jian, ZHAO Hongji
Key Laboratory of Highway Engineering in Special Region of Ministry of Education,Changan University, Xian 710064, China
With support of Xinjiang Guozigou Bridge project, the influence factor of the resistance to chloride ion permeation to the concrete bridge in alpine area was studied. The mechanism of resistance to chloride ion permeation to the concrete in different positions and with different composition of the bridge concrete was analyzed, then the mix design parameters for the bridge concrete that was suitable to built the bridge with resistance to chloride erosion were proposed. The result shows that the water binder ratio and water content have great effect on the resistance to chloride ion permeation to the concrete bridge. The water binder ratio of C30 grade of concrete is lowered from 045 to 039 and 56 days of electric flux for the concrete is reduced about 50%; electric flux for the concrete is decreased when the use level of fly ash increases from 10% to 30%; suitable air content can improve the resistance to chloride ion permeation to the concrete bridge.
Key words:  road engineering  alpine region  concrete of bridge  mixing ratio  resistance to chloride ion permeation