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李小龙, 李国忠
关键词:  玻化微珠  力学性能  耐水性能  增强机理
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201402024
Effect of Latex Powder and Glass Fiber on the Performance ofGlazed Hollow Bead Thermal Insulation Materials
LI Xiaolong, LI Guozhong
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Preparation and Measurement of Building Materials,University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China
Glazed hollow beads, cement, fly ash and latex powder were used to prepare glazed hollow beads thermal insulation material by the method of compression molding. The effects of redispersible latex powder on the mechanical properties and water resistance performance of the material were studied. Meanwhile, the action mechanism of latex powder was analyzed. The surface of alkali resistant glass fibers were treated by styrene acrylic emulsion, and the effects of glass fibers on the mechanical properties of glazed hollow beads thermal insulation materials before and after treatment were studied respectively. Besides, the fracture morphology of samples was observed and analyzed to explore the reinforced mechanism of fiber. The results show that, when the content of latex powder is 4%(by mass), compared with the control sample, the samples flexural strength, compressive strength increase by 4800%, 2083% respectively, and 2h, 24h water absorption of the samples reduce by 7137% and 6694% respectively. When the content of surface treated fibers is 10%(by mass), the samples flexural strength increases by 3571%, and the compressive strength increases by 834%, compared with the sample which is mixed with 1.0%(by mass) untreated glass fibers.
Key words:  glazed hollow bead  mechanical property  water resistant performance  enhancement mechanism