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姜葱葱, 李国忠, 李启金
关键词:  赤泥  轻质保温材料  煅烧温度  升温速率
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201402007
基金项目:山东省环保研发项目([2011]139 5)
Study and Preparation of Red Mud Lightweight Thermal Insulation Material
JIANG Congcong, LI Guozhong, LI Qijin
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Preparation and Measurement of Building Materials,University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China
The lightweight thermal insulation material was prepared with red mud, fly ash and silica sand as the main raw material, by the technology of mixing with physical foam, casting, calcination and so on. The influence of calcined temperature and heating rate on performances of sample was studied, the morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and the sintering mechanism was explored. The results show that the optimum calcined temperature is 1150℃, the optimum heating rate is 6℃/min. Under the optimum condition, the bulk density is 527kg/m3, the shrinkage is 57%, the compressive strength and flexural strength are 34MPa and 22MPa, the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0105W/(m·K), the porosity is 3361%(by volume).
Key words:  red mud  lightweight thermal insulation material  calcination temperature  heating rate