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石妍, 彭尚仕, 闫小虎, 杨华全
关键词:  水泥乳化沥青混凝土  计算机断层成像试验  细观损伤  微观机理
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201401032
Meso damage and Micro properties of Cement Emulsified Asphalt Concrete
SHI Yan, PENG Shangshi, YAN Xiaohu, YANG Huaquan
Research Center of Water Engineering Safety and Disaster Prevention of Ministry of Water Resources,Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
Based on CT, SEM, XRD and TG, the meso damage and micro properties of cement emulsified asphalt concrete were studied, offering the technique support for the related researches. The result shows that compared to the higher part of the cross sections of specimens, the lower parts have a larger change in terms of CT average number and have a more serious damage in the process of continuous loading. Concrete specimen has experienced four stages of condense, expansion of volume, crack rapid propagation and failure. The plastic characteristics are showed during the meso damage process, which is owing to the low strength and modulus of this concrete. Emulsified asphalt and clay arent involved in hydration of the concrete. The asphalt encapsulates cement particles after demulsification, so that the early hydration rate of cement is decreased. The late hydration is quick, and concrete structure becomes compact, asphalt and main hydration products, such as Ca(OH)2, C3S, C2S and calcium ettringite products are mutually inlaid.
Key words:  cement emulsified asphalt concrete  computerized tomography(CT) test  meso damage  micro mechanism