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张恒龙1, 朱崇政1, 张葆琳2, 余剑英2
关键词:  沥青  纳米二氧化硅  表面修饰  紫外老化
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201401031
Effect of Nano SiO2 with Modified Surface on Properties of Bitumen
ZHANG Henglong1, ZHU Chongzheng1, ZHANG Baolin2, YU Jianying2
1.College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
Effect of nano SiO2 with modified surface on the physical and ultraviolet aging resisance of bitumen was investigated. The compatibility between nano SiO2 and bitumen was studied by high temperature stability test. The results show that the compatibility between nano SiO2 and bitumen is improved significantly by surface modification of nano SiO2. With the same nano SiO2 content, the difference values of softening point as well as the nano SiO2 contents in the upper and lower sections of the toothpaste tubes for the bitumen with unmodified nano silica are lower than that for the bitumen with unmodified nano SiO2. Compared with modified nano SiO2, the softening point and viscosity of bitumen are increased by adding modified nano silica more significantly, moreover, the penetration is less reduced and the ductility of bitumen is increased by 10℃. In addition, by using modified nano silica the viscosity aging index of the bitumen is reduced significantly after ultraviolet aging indicating good ultraviolet aging resistance of bitumen with surface modified nano SiO2.
Key words:  bitumen  nano SiO2  surface modification  ultraviolet aging