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王海涛1, 王立成2
关键词:  钢纤维高强轻骨料混凝土  自由落锤冲击试验  弯曲韧性  冲击能量
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201306029
Flexural Toughness and Impact Resistance of Steel Fiber ReinforcedHigh Strength Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
WANG Hai tao1, WANG Li cheng2
1.School of Civil and Safety Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028, China;2.State KeyLaboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
In order to determine the flexural toughness and impact resistance of steel fiber reinforced high strength lightweight aggregate concrete(SFHLWC), a series of drop weight tests and flexural tests were carried out on high strength lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced with five different volume fraction of steel fibers 0%, 05%, 10%, 15% and 20% of concrete. For each volume fraction of fibers, the complete load deflection curves, and the numbers of blows to first visible crack as well as to failure of SFHLWC were obtained in order to determine the total energy absorbed for each specimen. The test results show that the addition of steel fibers to concrete has improved impact resistance and also the flexural toughness of SFHLWC. The test results also show that a logarithmic relation exists between toughness index and the impact energy of SFHLWC.
Key words:  steel fiber reinforced high strength lightweight aggregate concrete(SFHLWC)  drop weight test  flexural toughness  impact energy