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关键词:  混凝土  高强混凝土  尺寸效应  强度等级  立方体抗压强度
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201306028
Scale Effect on Cubic Compressive Strength of OrdinaryConcrete and High Strength Concrete
SU Jie, FANG Zhi
College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
Scale effect of compressive strength of ordinary concrete and high strength concrete were investigated through compression experiments on ordinary concrete and high strength concrete specimens with the strength grade of C20, C40 and C60, and the specimen side length of 100, 150, 200mm. The relationship between the strength grade and scale effect was established. Then, the critical size and critical strength of ordinary concrete and high strength concrete were obtained. Furthermore, the computational equations of scale effect were proposed. Finally, good agreements have been found between tested data and the computational equations. The test and analysis results show that the scale effect exists in the cubic compressive strength of the ordinary concrete and high strength concrete. With an increase in the strength grade, the scale effect is significantly enhanced. The scale effect of concrete with strength grade C20 is 55% of the concrete with strength grade C60.
Key words:  concrete  high strength concrete  scale effect  strength grade  cubic compressive strength