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罗小勇1, 邹洪波1, 周奇峰1, 梁岩1, 王军2
关键词:  受压混凝土  冻融  耐久性  动弹性模量
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201306024
Experimental Study on Frost Resistant Property ofConcrete at Pressure Stress State
LUO Xiao yong1, ZOU Hong bo1, ZHOU Qi feng1, LIANG Yan1, WANG Jun2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2.Department of Building Engineering, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Xiangtan 411104, China
Through comparison analysis of frost resistant property of concrete under 0, 010, 025, 050, 075 times design strength pressure stress states, the relation between pressure stress and frost resistant property of concrete was found. It was concluded that the concrete freeze thaw cycle life will increase with the increase of concrete pressure stress when the concrete pressure stress ratio is 010050, but when the stress ratio increases to 050075, the concrete freeze thaw cycle life will deduce with the increase of concrete pressure stress. Approaching the damage, the higher the stress, the relative dynamic elastic modulus decreased faster, the freeze thaw damage is in shorter time. Meanwhile it was found that the concrete surface spalling damage has no obvious relationship with pre stressed capacity, but is relative to freeze thaw cycle times. The concrete frost resistant forecast model was established at the different pressure stress states finally. Through calculating and contrast, it is known that the model is useful for engineering.
Key words:  prestressed concrete  freeze thaw  durability  dynamic elastic modulus