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蒋正武1, 邓子龙1, 袁政成1, 李文婷1, 张楠2
关键词:  热孔计法  混凝土  孔隙率  孔径分布
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201306021
Study on Pore Structure Characterization of Concrete atDifferent Ages by Thermoporometry
JIANG Zheng wu1, DENG Zi long1, YUAN Zheng cheng1, LI Wen ting1, ZHANG Nan2
1.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai201804, China;2.Technical Center, China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 101300, China
Pore structures and their changes of ordinary strength concrete and high strength concrete at different curing ages of 3, 28, 90d were studied using thermoporometry, and the results were compared with those from MIP and NAD. The relationship among micro pores and porosity of concrete and its macroscopic properties was also studied. The results indicate that compared to MIP, thermoporometry can characterize the features of pores with the diameter smaller than 100nm in concrete accurately. The differences of macroscopic mechanical properties of concretes can be explained using the changes of their pore size distribution. After curing age of 28d, the amount of pore with the diameter larger than 20 nm in high strength concrete changes little, but it decreases gradually in ordinary strength concrete. And pores with diameter smaller than 20 nm in concrete have little influence on the macroscopic mechanical property of concrete.
Key words:  thermoporometry  concrete  porosity  pore size distribution