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丁运生, 刘玉亭, 刘志, 朱锦, 赵磊, 孙晓红
关键词:  含磷离子液体  聚氨酯注浆材料  煤矿  导热系数  热稳定性
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201306020
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50973025);安徽省自主创新专项资助项目(11Z0101061);淮北矿业集团股份有限公司科技项目(HK 2010 03)
Effects of Ionic Liquid Containing Phosphonium on the Properties ofPolyurethane Grouting Materials Applied in Coal Mine
DING Yun sheng, LIU Yu ting, LIU Zhi, ZHU Jin, ZHAO Lei, SUN Xiao hong
School of Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
The impacts of [TCEPMIM][Cl], one kinds of ionic liquid containing phosphonium, on the structure and properties of polyurethane grouting materials(PUGM) applied in coal mine were investigated, especially the effects of [TCEPMIM][Cl] on their thermal conductivity and thermal stability. The results reveal that [TCEPMIM][Cl] has obvious effects on the structure formation and properties of PUGM. When the addition amount of [TCEPMIM][Cl] changes from 0%(by mass) to 20%, the thermal conductivity of PUGM increases to 0062 W/(m·K). Additionally, the thermal stability of PUGM increases at first and then decreases with gradually increasing amount of [TCEPMIM][Cl] in PUGM. When the amount of [TCEPMIM][Cl] is 2%, the PUGM presents the highest initial decomposition temperature and the maximum decomposition rate temperature will be at 3003℃ and 3432℃ respectively. The maximum residual mass of decomposed PUGM is 28% when the amount of [TCEPMIM][Cl] is 5%. The PUGM exhibits a higher compressive strength, better antistatic property, excellent thermal conductivity and thermal stability, and then it also has a good flame retardant ability when the added amount of [TCEPMIM][Cl] is 5% in its matrices.
Key words:  ionic liquid contained phosphonium  polyurethane grouting material  coal mine  thermal conductivity  thermal stability