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王冲1, 张洪波1, 杨长辉1, 钱觉时1, 钟明全2, 李豪举1
关键词:  水泥细度  水泥水化  早期收缩  早期开裂
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.05.020
Influence of Cement Fineness on Hydration of Cement andEarly Age Cracking of Concrete
WANG Chong1, ZHANG Hong bo1, YANG Chang hui1, QIAN Jue shi1, ZHONG Ming quan2, LI Hao ju1
1.College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China;2.Chongqing Institute of Communications Planning Surveying and Designing, Chongqing 401121, China
Cement fineness, cement hydration and concrete cracking are closely related. Influence of cement fineness on hydration heat and hydration rate of cement was investigated using microcalorimetry. Early age shrinkage and early age cracking of concrete prepared with different fineness cement were determined using non contact laser displacement sensor and centralized constrained plate method, respectively. The test results show that with increase of cement fineness, hydration heat and hydration rate are increased, and time to peak of hydration is reduced. Increasing the specific surface area of cement causes higher shrinkage and unit crack area at early age, but reduces rate of water evaporation and maximum crack width of concrete. According to the research results, it is suggested to set an upper limit value of the cement fineness in concrete engineering.
Key words:  cement fineness  hydration of cement  early age shrinkage  early age cracking