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尹健1, 张贤超2, 宋卫民2, 吴昊2, 池漪2
骨料级配特征对透水混凝土配合比优化设计方法及其基本性能有较大影响.采用A,B,C 3种粒径的骨料进行混料设计试验,通过对大量的试验数据拟合与方差分析,建立了透水混凝土有效孔隙率、单位体积骨料颗粒数量、骨料比表面积、不同龄期抗压强度与骨料级配的关系式.研究结果对透水混凝土配合比设计方法优化和基本性能的预测具有重要的指导意义.
关键词:  透水混凝土  混料设计理论  骨料级配特征  响应分析
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.05.019
Response Analysis of Pervious Concrete Aggregate Gradation Characteristics Based on Theory of Mixture Design
YIN Jian1, ZHANG Xian chao2, SONG Wei min2, WU Hao2, CHI Yi2
1.Civil Engineering and Mechanics Institute, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China;2.Civil Engineering Institute, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
Aggregate gradation characteristics has great influence on the optimization of mix proportion design and the basic performance of pervious concrete. Three kinds of aggregates with different particle sizes of A, B and C were used for mixture design test. By large number of experiment data fitting and variance analysis, the correlations between the pervious concrete valid porosity, unit volume aggregate particle number, aggregate specific surface area, compressive strength and aggregate gradation were established. The result is of great significance for the optimization of mix proportion design of pervious concrete and the prediction of basic performance.
Key words:  pervious concrete  theory of mixture design  aggregate gradation characteristic  response analysis