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迟维胜, 孙惠香, 王晓龙
关键词:  原状粉煤灰  钢纤维  机场道面  混凝土  抗折强度
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.03.024
Combined Use of Raw Fly Ash and Steel Fiber in Airport Pavement Concrete
CHI Wei sheng, SUN Hui xiang, WANG Xiao long
Department of Airfield and Building Engineering, Air Force Engineering University, Xian 710038, China
Raw fly ash was mixed into steel fiber concrete used for airport road pavement. The influence of using the raw fly ash as micro fine aggregate in the cases of isometric and excess replacement of cement by the raw fly ash and addition of the fly ash without replacement of cement on the properties of the steel fiber concrete was investigated. The possibility of use of fly ash in the steel fiber concrete for airport road pavement was explored so as to improve the mechanical properties and its internal structure of the steel fiber concrete used for airport road surface and reduce one time investment. The basis for the application of fly ash in the steel fiber concrete is provided.
Key words:  raw fly ash  steel fiber  airport pavement  concrete  flexural strength