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田正宏1, 边策1, 毛龙1, 吴越建2
为量化控制混凝土浇注质量,研究开发了一套动态可视化实时监测集成系统.此集成系统利用GPS定位导航的RTK(real time kinematic)工作模式和特制电极装置实时获取振捣棒轨迹和振捣时间,经单片机过滤整合后无线发送给远程计算机,最终由可视化软件评判并实现在线馈控作业.试验表明: 该系统可较好地实现实时监测和量化评价混凝土振捣状态.
关键词:  新拌混凝土  振捣  可视化监测系统  量化评价
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.03.023
Development Research on Visual Kinematic Monitoring System ofConcrete Vibrating Process
TIAN Zheng hong1, BIAN Ce1, MAO Long1, WU Yue jian2
1.College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China;2.Sinohydro Bureau 7 Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610081, China
In order to quantifiably control the casting quality of fresh concrete, integrated kinematic visual monitoring system to determine the trace of vibrator on working site is developed, which can evaluate vibration quality in real time. The working principle of integrated system is as follow:real time tracks of vibrator and vibrating time are achieved firstly by means of RTK(real time kinematics) technology from GPS and special electrode device invented respectively, then wireless data which integrates time and tracks by mono chip computer is sent to terminal computer, and finally, the evaluation of vibrating state and online feedback control of casting are carried out according to visual software evaluation. The test results show that the system could rather well monitor in real time and quantifiably evaluate vibrating process of fresh concrete.
Key words:  fresh concrete  vibration  visual monitoring system  quantitative evaluation