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陈磊磊, 钱振东
关键词:  道路工程  环氧沥青混合料  简单性能试验  动态模量  时温等效原理  主曲线
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.02.029
Study on Dynamic Modulus of Epoxy Asphalt Mixture Based onSimple Performance Test
CHEN Lei lei, QIAN Zhen dong
Intelligent Transportation System Research Center, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
In order to make sure the mechanism of the dynamic modulus of the thermosetting epoxy asphalt mixture(EAM) for steel bridge pavement, and to establish its master curve, the dynamic modulus of EAM was tested and analyzed based on the simple performance test(SPT), and compared with the dynamic modulus with other two ordinary asphalt mixtures. According to the time temperature superposition theory, the dynamic modulus master curve of the EAM was established through a least squares regression analysis. The result shows that dynamic modulus of the EAM is significantly larger than the other two mixtures, on the other hand, the dynamic modulus of EAM decreases with the temperature increasing and increases with the frequency increasing. At last, the dynamic modulus master curve of EAM at 20℃ is established. The master curve can provide material parameter to the dynamic design and analysis of the epoxy asphalt pavement on steel bridge deck.
Key words:  highway engineering  epoxy asphalt mixture  simple performance test(SPT)  dynamic modulus  time temperature superposition theory  master curve